SSL/TLS Wizard


The SSL/TLS Wizard interface allows you to easily purchase and install SSL certificates for domains on your account. It also lists purchased certificates that an SSL certificate provider has yet to deliver.


In order for the SSL/TLS Wizard to appear in your cPanel account, your hosting provider must enable the cPanel Store provider in WHM’s Market Provider Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Market >> Market Provider Manager).

  • A cPanelID is necessary for SSL certificates provided by cPanel through the cPanel Store. cPanelID is the username and password combination for the , the cPanel Tickets system, and our Manage2 billing system. For more information about cPanelID, read our cPanelID documentation.
  • You can only purchase certificates for domains that resolve to an IP address on your server.

Verification Process

The validation process for Organization Validated (OV) certificates and Extended Validation (EV) certificates requires between three and 30 days. The certificate issuer requires this time to validate the information about your business. EV certificates require more time to issue than OV certificates due to more stringent requirements. To expedite the validation process, click the associated information message for each certificate, if the message exists.


Sectigo will send you an email with additional validation instructions. Complete these instructions as soon as possible to avoid delays.

Although cPanel, L.L.C. will instantly issue a Domain-validated certificate (DV), the validation process may require up to 24 hours before the certificate is available for installation.

Purchase certificates in the Simple interface

The default interface combines all domains on your account into a single list called the Simple purchase workflow. Then, it automatically determines the necessary number and arrangement of certificates to secure the domains that you select.


You must use the default interface to purchase wildcard certificates.

To purchase certificates for domains on your account using the default interface, perform the following steps:

Purchase certificates in the Advanced interface

The Advanced interface organizes the account’s domains, subdomains, and aliased domains by their website. cPanel’s configuration of the Apache web server only allows you to secure one virtual host’s (website’s) domains per certificate. For example, the system treats an addon domain as its corresponding subdomain. Because each subdomain exists in its own website, an addon domain exists in its own website.

Click Create Advanced (No Wildcard) while in the Simple interface and the Advanced interface will appear.


You cannot purchase a wildcard certificate through the Advanced interface.

To purchase a certificate or certificates for domains on your account from the Advanced interface, perform the following steps:

Pending Certificates

The Pending Certificates section of the interface lists all of the SSL certificates that you have purchased from the cPanel Store. The system will automatically poll the certificate provider to determine whether each pending certificate is ready. Refresh the page to display the most current results.

When a certificate is ready, the system will download that certificate and automatically install it on the website.

  • To manually check the pending certificate queue, click Check Pending Certificates.
  • To show the details of a certificate, click Show Details.
  • To hide the details of a certificate, click Hide Details.
  • To cancel a purchase, click Cancel and confirm that you wish to cancel the transaction.
  • To contact the cPanel Market provider about a certificate order, click Get Help With This Order.

The interface may display the following status messages:

  • CSR Status — Whether the server has finished the certificate signing requests (CSR). The server submits a CSR to the Certificate Authority (CA) to start the validation process.

  • DCV Status — Whether the server has finished the DCV check. Often, this finishes automatically when you select a domain.

  • Free DV Up Status — Whether the server has installed a temporary Domain Validated (DV) certificate. A DV certificate secures the domain during the OV or EV certificate validation.

  • EV Click-Through Status — A list of items for either you or the CA to finish. The CA cannot issue the EV certificate if any uncompleted items remain. For more information, read Sectigo’s What is required for validation? documentation.


    If a URL to expedite the validation process exists, the interface will display it in this section.


  • OV Callback Status — Whether the CA has verified the organization’s validity via a phone call.


    If a URL to expedite the validation process exists, the interface will display it in this section.


  • OV Status — A list of items for either you or the CA to finish. The CA cannot issue the OV certificate if any uncompleted items remain.

  • Validation Status — Whether the validation process is finished.

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