FTP Connections


This interface displays information about current connections to your FTP server and allows you to terminate those connections.


To connect your local machine to your FTP server, read our How to Upload Files with FTP documentation or your third-party FTP client’s documentation.


  • This interface is only available if your hosting provider enables FTP services on the server.
  • This interface does not appear on servers running the CloudLinux™ operating system.

View current FTP sessions

The interface includes the following information about connections to your FTP server:

Column Description Example
User The username for the authenticated FTP account. user
Logged in From The host through which the user connected to your FTP server. ns1.example.com
Login Time The FTP session’s start time and date. Fri Jul 19 13:19:20 2013
Status The FTP session’s status. IDLE
Process ID The FTP session’s process ID. 13926
Actions The actions that you perform with on the FTP session:
  • Disconnect — Allows you to disconnect the FTP session.

To refresh the list of FTP sessions, click Reload.

Disconnect users from an FTP session

If you suspect malicious activity from a user, or if the user is idle, you can disconnect their FTP session.

To disconnect a user from an FTP session, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Disconnect next to the FTP session that you wish to disconnect.
  2. To verify that the server disconnected the session, click Reload.
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