Email Disk Usage


This interface allows you to view all of your mailboxes and remove old or large messages.


Select the account to modify from the Account menu.

The Account menu only appears for cPanel accounts. It will not appear in Webmail accounts.

Use the Search text box to search for specific mailbox names.

The mailboxes table

The mailbox table contains a list of mailboxes. You can sort this information by the name, number of messages, or disk usage.

  • Mailbox Name — The name of the mailbox.
  • # of Messages — The number of messages for the address or in the mailbox folder.
  • Disk Usage — The disk usage for each address or mailbox, in bytes, kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

    Due to system caching, these values may not reflect recent changes in your account’s disk space.


  • Actions — The actions available for the mailbox.

Remove messages

To remove messages, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Manage.
  2. Select a removal option from the menu.

    Select custom query … to customize your removal option. For more information, read Dovecot’s Search Query Format documentation.


  3. Click Delete Permanently.

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